vineri, 24 iulie 2009

Hot and getting hotter

I should have got used to these temperatures by now... and I think I am. We had 34 degrees yesterday, and today and tomorrow will probably be up to 37. And it is even hotter if you stay in the sun or have to drive a car. Of course we have air conditioning at work...but I am freezing inside and melting outside. I a 25-27 Celcius degrees person.
I think because of this weather and the busy days at work I skipped writing on my blog.

Last weekend we went to Tarnita, a near-by mountain lake and which usually is very cold, almost impossible to swim. Now it's so warm like the sea in summer. Surprinsingly pleasant. we had a bath and a relaxing trip (we were even able to ignore the "manele" songs that surround us.

Peter is working in the afternoons and in week-ends at his parents' house rennovating (is this an English word...or just a "furculition"?:). So meanwhile I am reading and doing exercises (gym) at home. Very refreshing!

Planning a gettaway next weeked...will see!

Oh how I long for a green forest and cold springs!

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