sâmbătă, 31 ianuarie 2009

The proof

You asked for it!


The pics were taken with the camera from the mobile phone, otherwise you could have seen the extraordinary skater, the best figure skating performer in Cluj...that would be ME in case you had any doubts!

marți, 27 ianuarie 2009


This weekend was a lazy one. Didn't do anything special but went shopping. And this time Peter felt like it, I usually do feel like it so we spent about 7 hours wandering in Cluj-Napoca's malls looking for clothes. It was a very inspired decision as we found very cheap but very nice outfits...We are not fans of shopping but we didn't realize the time pssing by so quickly.

When we got home we had dinner and then a movie. By the way have you seen Mamma Mia -the movie. It's wuite new I think, 2008 production, and it's a very funny love story on the ABBA music. Great music, great lyrics, extraodinary acting; especially from Maryl Streep.

We're planning a trip to Baia Mare this weekend. Maybe even skiing if there is snow and proper weather.

Now back to work, which is a LOT!

miercuri, 21 ianuarie 2009


Well first time when i put my skates on my feet I said to myself that this will be a one-day experience, but we went to the lake for three days on. Yesterday we had to stay indoor as the weather outside was too mild (not under 0 degrees). Today though the weather is cooping with us again.
But tonight it's Opera night. We decided to make some changes this year in our daily programme.
1. First to go to the gym or at least do exercise: we consider that half accomplished so far - ewe went skating and it's not easy, we went skiing, we'll go to the gym as well or just jogging.
2. Be cultural friendly - we are planning to go to the Theatre, Opera and others. Tosca of Giacomo Puccini tonight from 18:30.
3. Improve from a professional perspective - I got this mediator diploma and planning to practice. Peter is taking some Master courses of Management and Bussines.
4. Visiting - we've booked a May trip to London to visit Bro and Chris. We want to go to ski in Austria in MArch (don't know for sure - nothing booked yet). Probably a Delta trip in September. And then weekend trips.

Big plans. Hope we'll have the energy, the resources :)(I mean money here), health and time to keep up with all this stuff.
So far promissing. We're quite good at skating...so we think. Don't you think it was without paying any "price" or sacrifice...I nearly broke my hand ... falling on ice can be really painful. But I'm ok so we'll keep on skating. Relaxing, refreshing, energizing....

By the way watch for thea European Skating Championship from Helsinki now ongoing...skating seems a piece of cake when watching those guys, but don't let yourself carried away by that.

luni, 19 ianuarie 2009

"Productive" wkd

Yep, I 've passed the exam with a very good mark. I am now as they say a MEDIATOR, so in case of conflict don't hesitate to give me a call :).

I bought skates for myself as well, so Saturday and Sunday evening we went skating on the Chios lake, free of charge. Folks it's wonderful! In 2 days we really got the main idea and we can skate pretty good...at least we think so.
It'a a great refreshment after a week at work. We're planning to go this evening too (at least until the outdoor temperature it's under 0 degrees).

Keep you up to date with our latest news.

vineri, 16 ianuarie 2009

Fingers crossed

I have an exam tomorrow for mediators so keep your fingers crossed for me. Then I'll be free again.

Plans: buying a pair of skates for me (Peter got one already) and go skating on the lakes in Cluj-Napoca and probably on Sunday go skiing at Baisoara.

Have a nice and "productive" (this sounds better in Romanian:) week-end!

duminică, 11 ianuarie 2009

Happy New Year! from Bucovina

Yep for the New Year's Eve celebration we headed for Moldova, namely Bucovina to visit our dear friends Stefan, Anca and David. It was like a dream. If in Cluj and Baia Mare there was slightly any snow remains in the parks there was all white ...like our childhood Christmas used to be! People from Bucovina still keep the traditions from our ancestors: singing carols from house to house for money, nuts, cakes or apples.Of course nowadays ...MONEY are preferable.

They travel neither by car, nor by foot but by sledge. The tourists are allowed to test the feeling for not so many Lei.

Recommended! We did it!

The Eve party was to a friends' chalet in Voronet, a village famous for the monastery that lies in the area.

We even had a childhood experience. We sledged using a sledge and a bag. Phew, you can't compare the sensation with any of the modern organized sports, but it worth while trying...that if you don't have a back problem because from the top of the hill down to its base with quite a speed...you imagine...

We visited a mini-zoo of the chalets in the area...impressive!

The area is full of tourists all year round. It is very appreciated for monasteries from Stephen The Great period, for landscapes, outdoor possibilities, traditions, hospitality of the locals and delicious food. You really need to try it! And if you go by MAnastirea Humorului look for Casa Ancutei, Tanti Uta (the teacher) - is my friend's mom and B&B.

Happy New Year for all of you and may all your wishes come true!

By now you should know where to find the rest of the photos! Other great nature viwe from Borsa, Prislop and Maramures. Enjoy!

End of 2008

...was a good one. Christmas at Baia Mare with the whole family reunited (Cipri, my bro came from UK with gf Chris).

First time when Chris came to Romania so we had a walk into the city of Cluj. Very cold and nothing really surprising for us. We also went clubbing which was really nice but we realized we weren't that young anymore :) so head home at almost 4 am.
We met old dear friends coming from all corners of the Globe: Goerge and Ioana from US - Oklahoma, Bro and Chris - UK, Ake and Carmen - Thailand and us 2 from RO. Very diverse and multilingual group, thanks God for English!

We had o sort of talk meeting at our place in Cluj with all these foreigners.

For Christmas day we went in Baia Mare where we've tested the "goodies" my mother cooked and always cooks for Christmas. And a premiere: Bro actually decorated the Christmas tree!

Then we went to see some snow at Izvoare and Mogosa, really nice, fooling around, having a walk in the snow and a traditional tea with rum. It was second time for Chris when to see snow in her lifetime...I guess it must be something special. It was a really family celebration for this Christmas very relaxing.

For more photos like these see my picasa web album: