miercuri, 12 decembrie 2007

I HATE Flickr

God, who invented www.flickr.com/photos? He/She must be killed...I mean after uploading all my photos this stupid site tells me that I have reached my free upload limit so from now on if I want to upload more photos I must pay 25 $/year. And as a favour they/it didn't erase my old photos but if I want to see them I must delete the new ones. GEE! Is there anybody as stupis as I was when first choosing flickr???
Now I want to quit them for good! I'm waiting for your advice.
As a relaxation you can see photos from this weekend, from Cavnic ski adventure, on my "STILL - to become abandoned" flickr account on the botttom of this page.
I'm really waiting for your prompt advice. SenQ!

marți, 11 decembrie 2007


...I know, I know I've been very lazy lately. Fortunately you are nice, patient guys and you understand. Actually at work there were some busy weeks, usually this always happens at the end of the year. Everybody gets crazy, everybody is in a hurry, everybody wants to buy thousands of presents, etc. So it gets crowded and noisy. The town is always full of cars and people wandering around hoping for a bargain, the Christmas ligts are already turned on in the city (I promise some artistic photos of that...in case I convince my BEAR - to be translated HUSBAND to walk with me:), so the Christmas spirit is everywhere... It is very nice but when you feel that even the last hope that today or tomorrow I will finish my tasks at work vanishes and you see yourself hopeless, you kind of get nervous....just a little!
Last wkd we went to Baia Mare and to Cavnic for ski. It was very nice, quite warm. I will post some pictures when I will finally download them from my camera.
I'll keep you up-to-date guys...do not dispair!