vineri, 24 iulie 2009


I really feel that I need a change at my job! But something more radically.

I think need to change my activity too...I am sick of legal papers and documents and procedures. Or maybe it's because of the place and people....
Hm! I'll see. Planning and looking for new challenges and opportunities...
I am looking for smart people hwo have something to say anf can share thei knowledge with me..
Is only me to look around for something like that? I feel that valuable people are more and more difficult to find. And if you find them it's incredibile difficult to make them share their knowledge...Aren't we becoming to selfish?

Any offers that I may consider..???

Un comentariu:

ioana spunea...

Maybe you should ask yourself: what are you giving in return to their knowledge?
Would you give your knowledge for that?