vineri, 7 august 2009

I jusl LOVE wkds

Starting Friday afternoon I feel like I am feeling alive again. I just love how productive I am on Fridays and my colleagues as well. I think that if there will be always Friday the efficiency at work will be 100%. People work better when they have a motivation like that...
And then weekends, especially when leaving to nowhere and finding interesting places/people are absolutely magnificent. We ghad a sort of "bank holiday" (how Bro and Chris seem to always have: - I am a bit jealous!)last wkd. Well we took our Friday off from work and visited our parents in their trip to Caciulata (Olt Valley). We've bathe in the sun and thermal water, we had trips to monasteries, memorial houses (Anton Pann) and cities (Rm. Valcea). Then we had a long walk to Turnu monastery, by night...hehehe interesting experience, especially we were with our parents.
And 3rd day we had a trip back to Cluj by Curtea de Arges (the monastery it's simply breathtaking) and then Poenari Fortress (built bu Vlad Tepes - and where to we had to climb 1480 steps through the woods) and then crossed the Fagaras Mountain at 2000 m high through Transfagarasan. I didn't know Romanina could do such masterpiece. Too bad it is not valuable enough today...for tourists as well as for authorities. Simply splendid!
We must go back and take a walk up the mountain.

We took lots of pictures, but our LCD at home has boken until Monday no access at home.

See ya!

Un comentariu:

ioana spunea...

Everybody loves weekends! Especially when there is something fun to do.