vineri, 11 iulie 2008

Nothing much...

This week every day was almost the same, after work we went home and watch for the workers to get the job done in our apartment. Incredible how many little things can make the difference between finishing this week or a week later. Now we had to move to my parents'-in-law house as we practically have no bathroom at home: no toilette, no bathtub, no water running, it's only dirt and dust. Phew! I can hardly wait the cleaning day.
So me and my mother-in-law we're having fun together in the same kitchen. Luckily she'a a nice person and I'm an open-minded girl ;)

So no more privacy...let's hope only for one week...the most!

Have a nice weekend! we're planning only our Sunday as Saturday is working day!

PS: Have I told you we bought a boat ( a rubber one of course)??? Heheh looks nice and it's pretty big too so feel free to join us in an extreme water expedition.

3 comentarii:

George Popescu spunea...

extreme??? you mean some river rafting or even whitewater rafting?

ioana spunea...

I would wait on the after cleaning day, when everything is nice and neat.

Ancu spunea...

No, it's not a rafting boat but it will work just fine on slower rivers. On a boat it gets extreme even on a pretty calm water...if it gets too windy as it was on Saturday on Tarnita :)