joi, 17 aprilie 2008


Now that finally spring has come (I hope) and the sun is shining I only can think of vacation, sea, sand and exotic destinations. Next week we're leaving on a 2 week vacation in Italy. I enjoy looking for infomation, for bargains, for destinations, places to see and visit, but when coming to packing my/our luggage, traveling to the destination and settling - that means the first contact with a new place, like Rome and Italy is for us, I really have a little stress. I cannot define it exactly but it is there.
This time we're travelling with my mother-in-law and surprise! with mom. It was supposed to be my father-in-law but he changed his mind one week ago. Long trips to "nowhere" at 70 it's quite a challenge which he decided in the end not to take. It is too stressful. So I told mom to pack her luggage cause she's coming to Italy. I must admit I was sure her answer was a NO! But in the end after discussing the matter, enhacing the opportunity she has...well she said YES.
I hope the both MOMS and us will have a great time there. I'll keep you up-to-date with the news!

Meanwhile have a great weekend and "Felicitari tuturor Florilor pentru Ziua Floriilor de duminica! Si tie Bro!" (Congratulations to all the "flowers"!)

Un comentariu:

ioana spunea...

So, this trip is going to be a "family" building? I wish you lots of fun and lose that funny/scarry feeling. It is vacation, what you should feel is excitement and joy.