luni, 9 martie 2009

8th of March

For a few years now I have a dilemma: Is the 8th of March Mothers' DAy or Women's Day? People I've asked about have different opinions. I remember when I was a child that all we did that day was for mom: postcards, flowers, presents, etc. But also for our teachers....
Now that are people congratulating mwe for the 8 th of March but they seem to do it only out of respect and only after having a revelation: "Oh you're a woman too...Congratulation!" :)

Soooo, is it Mothers' Day or Women's Day on the 8th of March???

Anyway, for all the women out there: Congratulations and wish you a nice spring and a successful year!

5 comentarii:

ioana spunea...

I have the same dilemma. But I still think it is more Mother's day than women's day. Therefore I only congratulated my moms.

Chris spunea...

8th March is the International Women's Day, so it is celebrated worldwide. Mother's Day is more from country to country. In Brazil Mother's Day is celebrated in May (always 2nd Sunday of May), in the UK Mother's day this year is on March 22nd. Main difference between Mother's Day and Women's Day is that the first is not a fixed day and the second is always on the 8th March.
Hope it helped! :-)

ioana spunea...

Here is what wiki says:'s_Day's_Day

ioana spunea...

Actually it is kinda what Chris said. Just tells you about more countries.

Ancu spunea...

Thanks girls, meanwhile I read on the Internet that UN declared an International Women's Day and later it was established that day should be 8th of March. In Romania though Women's day is the same with Mothers' Day. Probably this is more economically for men ;)

Mistery solved!