vineri, 13 februarie 2009 last!

Well yesterday was a day to remember, when most of us recalled the winter days from childhood. It snowed heavily, the roads were almost blocked, everythig was and is completely white and it's that something in the air...I call it "smell of a winter = mixture of snow and cold, but not very cold". The nature can give you very good, but also very bad days.
Big plans! We really thought that this year we will remain frustrated with the single ski session we had at Vatra Dornei for New Year's Eve. So, we're planning Sunday-ski day at Baisoara if it is enough snow and next weekend a 3-day trip to Borsa. They say it snowed heavily there. Anyway that slope is one of the best in RO, if it snows of course.
Maybe a skating night tonight, will see, and tomorrow a work day. I promised Marta, a friend. I will help her with her archive...GOD! how I hate documents and papers! but she promised some goodies so I cannot refuse her.

Well, have a nice wkd!

2 comentarii:

georrge spunea...

mergeti cu incredere, este cica zapada suficienta iar partia ar fi chiar batuta :)

ioana spunea...

Sa faceti o tura si pentru mine.