God, who invented www.flickr.com/photos? He/She must be killed...I mean after uploading all my photos this stupid site tells me that I have reached my free upload limit so from now on if I want to upload more photos I must pay 25 $/year. And as a favour they/it didn't erase my old photos but if I want to see them I must delete the new ones. GEE! Is there anybody as stupis as I was when first choosing flickr???
Now I want to quit them for good! I'm waiting for your advice.
As a relaxation you can see photos from this weekend, from Cavnic ski adventure, on my "STILL - to become abandoned" flickr account on the botttom of this page.
I'm really waiting for your prompt advice. SenQ!
7 comentarii:
Well, am patit-o cu totii cu Flickr-ul. Si solutia a fost sa platim. La urma urmei nu-s o avere aia 25 de dolari si macar stai cu constiinta impacata ca poti pune cate poze vrea muschiul tau si le poti arata cunostintelor si lumii intregi oricand.
Alternative sunt, dar orice-i mai valabil iti cere sa scoti cardul la un moment dat.
Frumoase poze de altfel. :)
haha, nahpa as romanians say :). i'm not a fan of flickr mostly because of some other limitations or weird behavior. you can try picasa (http://picasaweb.google.com/) from google and it has only one limit ... nooo, not the sky :), but 1 giga. in time this 1 giga will get bigger and bigger and eventualy will have even kids :D. why would you pay for things that can be obtained for free.
I really cannot help you on this one, but I stick to my husbands opinion: why pay if you can get it for free!.
25 Euros/year to Flickr??? No way my friend...I'll better spend that money on SWEETS:). I've tried Picasa at work, George, but it had to be downloaded from the i-net..and of course I'm forbidden to do that on the PC at work. Merde!
hahahaha, in the office you should work and not make funny businesses with photos :P. another thing that I forgot to tell/ask you is: you should upload smaller-size versions of your photos on public photo services like flickr or picasa. doing this you'll save a lot of your free space, anyway nobody will try to look at your pictures at their maximum resolution.
HM! George do you think that I know how to do that???? I mean change the size of the photos? Is just click-ing "resize" and then save?? Please send an e-mail with all the details! Sencs.
Picasa Web Album has a better web interface. It loads faster. It support keyboard shortcuts such as the left and right arrow keys.
The Picasa software helps to upload your selected photos to the web album. You may ask the picasa to resize the photo before they are upload, while remain the photos on your harddisk untouched.
Your friends may download a whole photo album using the picasa software or via the Picasa Web Album Downloader(http://dlpwa.blogspot.com/).
What I mentioned above are all free.
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