The news that "I MUST" participate to the company's teambuilding "adventure" next wkd pissed me off! We are supposed to go to a fancy hotel in Vartop, near Arieseni, visit the places and do team extreme (hahaha) sports and play other team games. Well, besides the fact that I have seen the area and did all the "extreme" sports already, they're planning for us to leave Cluj on Friday morning and come back on Sunday afternoon...Imagine 3 days of staying nose-to-ose with my colleagues. Good God! I know that that's the spirit but I rather stay at home with my darling and get bored in front of the TV (which won't be the case) than get bored with other 30 "team players". And, imagine that if you try to skip the extraordinary meeting you'll be seen FOREVER like the black sheep of the company. Shitty thing!
The Romanians have a very wrong ideea about teambuilding meetings. They saw/heard smth like that happening in the Wild Wild West at big companies, and BUM! they copy-paste the thing and think they are adventurous and extrem....alow me to HA-HA!
I understand for example a maximum 2-day teambuilding, but 3 days out of which one is just eating breakfast and way back home is stupid! And the ideea is that you do climbing on a rope and other silly things and you're supposed to feel like climbing the Himalaya Mts.
Well I think I'm so nervous is because I already know some of the guys who will show us the adventure (the pros), I've already done almost all the stuff they're going to do, I've seen the area (and seen it 2 months ago) and eveywhere in RO there's snow on the slopes and besdides all these: my dear husband is not allowed at the meeting and I have to stay away from all of that...Why???? Because I have to be a "Team PLAYER".
The truth is that some of "OUR" are so mean and so lack team spirit that they actually need to spend a month in teambuilding.
See here the site of our team leaders or whatever the extreme future-teachers:
Here just a small view of what will do.

If they try to paint our faces I'm OUT.

Un comentariu:
Daca tot TREBUIE sa mergi incearca sa mergi cu o atitudine pozitiva si sa incerci sa te simti bine, nu are nici un sens sa te enervezi, doar tu pierzi. Asa ca "Distractie faina!"
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