And now there it goes again, I'll bet you'll start repeating me every day "WHERE ARE THOSE PHOTOS?"
Coming soon, I mean as soon as I remember to bring them back from the office :) I know you'll understand...until then here are some pics made by a cousin of mine.
I'll put some comment for those who weren't able to join us.
The first pic is at the restaurant, us dancing after hours of exhausting exercises with Peter's aunt, a ballerina.
Mixing with the crowds...and having fuuuun!
Me and the two beloved cousins...still to marry ;)
...and then a caring husband...isn't he cute? Hey, hey! Don't imagine things now...not yet, ok? And it is the godparents' child...if anyone is imagining things!
Part of may family: My sister-in-law (my cousin's wife), my aunt (my mom's twin sister... you can see the resemblance can't you?), my cousin, my uncle, my BROOOO (who else?) and my mom.
In a moment of respiro!!! By the way if you're palnning a wedding soon please make some 10km jogging, ride the bicycle, go to the gym for at least one month and buy a light two-pieces wedding gown!...or else consider yourself a hero!!!
For those who didn't come to the wedding: you missed a great party, some joyfull people, some wonderful guests, a delicious meal, and this ONE:

Sorry, there no piece left for you!
2 comentarii:
Your dress is GORGEOUS!!!! You look gorgeous!! I wish I was there...
Great idea this blog. I am looking forward for your next post.
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