vineri, 29 ianuarie 2010

Since it was a success... you have more photos of the Black Sea frozen or close to frozing. These are from another source (it seems everybody was amazed by the view).

Have you seen the sand dunes frozen and slightly covered in snow...and it's real! Here are some details - a closer look!

miercuri, 27 ianuarie 2010

Once in a lifetime...

...Lately, you can say "every third year", you can see the Black Sea frozen. It's an amazing thing, but it's real and it's like in the SF movies. Yep! the photos are real (taken by a friend - thank you Sorin! - 3 days ago in Constanta).

God ! How I wish Tha Black Sea was closer to Cluj. I always said to Peter that next time when tha sea is frozen will pay a visit (last time is was 3 or 4 winters ago) but we couldn't make it this year!

Imagine walking (=sliding) on that salty, frozen peer!

This is One of the miracles and advantages of -20 and -30 degrees Celsisus - the average temperature from RO these days. Today it simply hot is -5 :)!

vineri, 22 ianuarie 2010

Simply Sammy

It is small, green, cute, muddy, some call it a "squirrel" (because it can easily climb even on rocks), it has a steering wheel, 4 wheels and two crazy passengers on board and we call it SAMMY.

As i was saying is green:


Muddy again:

Cute (I can't decide the driver or the car):

Even I was around:

An the forestry roads we had that time didn't know where they end only hoped to be in civilization:

Yep already a member of our family. We bought it for fun and because Peter is keen on off-road and dreaming about it for so long. It is not yet fully equipped for off-roads but coming soon. We've already been in some muddy short trips, already feeling the adreline rush. Fortunately we haven't been stucked anywhere so far, hopefully will never be without a way out because it is a team sport and you usually never GO ALONE on a trip like this. This is rule no. 1: Hm! Already broken and a kind stranger pulling us out from the deep snow in Faget.. :) Lucky us! Interesting...I like this kind of sports of course when they always end happily in a pub/rstaurant with some food and warm cup of wine.

More photos of the trip through Gilau Mountains (Marisel-Maguri Racatau-Dobrin-Cerc-Finisel-Savadisla-Cluj for those who know the area or want to know it better) on my picasa album. It was a great weather, quite warm and pleasant....pretty good for a walk in the forest...but we were in the middle of nowhere and we were by car this time. Lovely!

marți, 19 ianuarie 2010

Exams :)

Yep I found out yesterday that I will have 2 exams next week at The Popular Art School were I have my interior design decoration class. Ups! Is an Art History exam and I haven't beeen to any class and I have no knowledge about the subject and I also have to prepare a crayon drawing for the other exam...not that easy.

Well, I never thought I'll have to draw so much and so good (I am not that tallented) but as I am a student now and I am paying for my classes I MUST. It's nice and relaxing to do that anyway but not in such a short time. Art needs time and I am an artist now!!!

Anyway tonight I am planning a "trip" to a special shop where I can buy some crayons and some special paper. Let little Picasso (actually I like Monet) get to work! When I'll have something interesting to show I'll probably post one of my drawings here....but it will take a don't be too eager to see any!

Finger crossed...I mean you shoul do that I vae to use mine when INSPIRATION comes!

About the weather

Hm! I must listen to Chris and talk about the wether. Nowadays talking about it can't be so boring as it was some time ago. And that's because everything seems to be changing! I can't remember a warmer winter than this one. Almost no snow! And I am an 80's generation girl who used to have 4 seasons, each with it's normal "behaviour". Now it's a surprising weather every morning.
I will have to change my wardrobe soon!
They say South Romania and East it is burried in snow (I am not watching the news for some while now - I hete beeing manipulated by press) and still snowing and heavy winds. In Cluj is all like spring time. God please let it snow in our neighbourhood we can ski at least one more time this season. Thank you!

vineri, 15 ianuarie 2010

Who knows when is going to be the next?

I mean next post on this blog. Even I cannot tell!

See ya!

The first day...

...of the rest of 2010. Yep New Years' Eve in Baia Mare in my parents flat and going out for 1,2,3...2010! Happy New Year moment in the centre of the town, watching fireworks, but not taking pictures. Well we have 2 or 3 taken with the mobile phone but only we know whose in the I'll post the ones taken at home at the PARTY :)

This was 12:01 am:

And here is what's next:) You have to keep the blood running...

Who can tell if this is a natural or an artificial Christmas tree?!

Heheheh I DO!

What we've been doing lately

I kinnda got used to the idea that I will post here more seldom so I think it's better than ever. Now I am at work in a well deserved break after tones of contracts and stuff like that. I simply was reading other people's blog (no so lazy like me)and thought about my abandoned one. Feel sorry for it so here I am!

Enough talking rubbish! For our winter holidays we went in Baia MAre with my folks and was a good time to remember how to go hiking to the neighbourhoods and how tiring can be after months of chair-sitting. Amaizing!

I almost forgot how bwutiful it can be....Even sweting to get to the top! Of course we had tens of breaks but the wether (that single day only) was shinny and not raining or snowing!

Now to be honest with you we walked to the top because we lesft our ski equipment in Cluj. Never thought it can be snow on the slopes after a week oh havy rain! If usually we are desprate looking at other skiiers and not able to ski this time was different. And I'm glad I forgotten this time!

I simply love the trees on winter! They remind me of the fairytale woods from my childhood stories and of the old snowy winters. I miss them!

More photos on my picasa album.