Unfortunaltelly my computer found troubles when uploading the pics taken from Transfagarasan - really a wonder of "modern" world. Too bad authorities don't forbbid bbq in the mountains area and they do not protect it properly. Fortunately Transfagarasan is an example of nature's selfishness when protectig itself. Transfagarasan can be crossed only during summer months from July to September and onlu during daytime and that is because of the heavy snow covering the road.
Personally, I would fine all the bbq people, which populate especially the Muntenia side of the mountain....Without being nasty, you expect those parts to be vandalised!
Here you have some pics from Caciulata a resort in the Olt Valley and from our trip to Valcea generally an area with lots of monasteries and history. Almost all the Romanian leaders from XII to XVII century are burried within the monasteries' walls. In Romania it was a tradition for the ruler to built at least one monastery which he financed during his reign and in the end found his resting peace and tomb there. So every place comes with a sotry...most of the times an interesting one...You just have to find the right person to tell...and they are many.