This year flew like a moment. I remenber January holiday like it was a month ago. I don't know but it seems to me that time is been compressed and still going. Anyway the scientists say we have only 16 hours per day instead of 24 hours....and after 2008 this seems more plausible. Anyway they assured us not to worry at least not until 2012. Long story about this one anyway...and no time to explain it...heheheh.
Anyway it's nice to be at work these days. It's quiet and nothing much to do. On the streets of Cluj it's crazy, it's the presents' rush these days. At home lots and lots to do or at work it's the best!
Anyway, for everybody, draw a line, make a sum of 2008 and let 2009 be better! I wish you all a Merry White Christmas! and a Happy decompressed 2009!
marți, 23 decembrie 2008
miercuri, 10 decembrie 2008
Winter holidays
I know I'be been busy, lazy, busy and lazy again. I have taken some special prefessional courses in order to become a mediator...long story to explain what that means. We've been working extra, we've been celebrating Peter's birthday with a trip to the Danube (Iron Gates)and we've expected Saint Nicholas to bring some presents.
Now we're expecting Santa, Bro and Chris to come from UK for Cristmas...whcih will be hopefully a white Christmas at home in the familiy, and New Years' Eve in Bucovina to our friends Anca and Stefan and little David.
We're expecting holidays in a word and we're in the middle of choosing and byuing presents! It's not an easy job but it gives you great satisfaction in the end.
Until then we're enjoying our friends and sons-in-law Ioana and Goerge whom yesterday stepped on Romanian ground again. They're home and they're fine and are the friends we always miss as we can talk with them for hours and can't realize what time is it!
PS: Happy birthday George for today!
Well we (Anca & Peter)wish you all the best for Christmas and A New Year full of joy and happiness! Cheers!
Now we're expecting Santa, Bro and Chris to come from UK for Cristmas...whcih will be hopefully a white Christmas at home in the familiy, and New Years' Eve in Bucovina to our friends Anca and Stefan and little David.
We're expecting holidays in a word and we're in the middle of choosing and byuing presents! It's not an easy job but it gives you great satisfaction in the end.
Until then we're enjoying our friends and sons-in-law Ioana and Goerge whom yesterday stepped on Romanian ground again. They're home and they're fine and are the friends we always miss as we can talk with them for hours and can't realize what time is it!
PS: Happy birthday George for today!
Well we (Anca & Peter)wish you all the best for Christmas and A New Year full of joy and happiness! Cheers!
marți, 4 noiembrie 2008
Lazy October...Ups!
It seems that I had no inspiration during this October but I'll make it up to you during November.
joi, 30 octombrie 2008
The place where time stopped
Yes, it's in Romania, not far from Cluj, and it's is known as "Padis".

Actually it's part of Apuseni Mountains, an area populated to the top of the mountain and hills, but where everyday all you can hear is the ring bell from the cows neck - practically an old version of a gps in order to know where the animals are...were they eaten by the bears or not? ;)
In these places people base only on raising cattle and on wood. In the winter they are blocked in the mountains and 3-4 months have to stay by the fire and "make children" as one of the villagers said. The actual distance from a house to another is about 3-4 km, imagine that one is on my hill and yous is on the other hill. Quite funny and comfortable for a tourist, but for local folks I can't imagine what can happen if they need an egg to make a pancake...Holly Christ...they need to have some imagination.

We were invited by a friend who owns a chalet in that parts and who was celebrating her birthday. And as Peter's birthday is coming they agreed to celebrate together.
These friends have about 45 years old having big kids...but damn they know how to have fun. We were talking with Peter and made a conclusion: the BIG guys know how to party, maybe it's because they do not do this too often, maybe because they have more experience with these things...or maybe they simply know how to do it! Anyway they're really cool.
We had walks in the forest, picking-up mushrooms (they say they were good ones...I can't make the difference so that's why I do not eat them:) and Saturday evening we made a big fire (well Peter is the fire-boy) and cooked some sausages, mici, slanina (it's not like the tiny, not tasty, English bacon) and chicken. We had potato salad and garlic salad (mujdei for those who know what I'm talking about).

Overall it was a delicious, tasty, unforgetable, fat, not healthy feast like we the Romanians are used to do in open air and then feel sick the next day. But it was worth it. We has champagne, wine, beer and local tzuica so everybody was happy. The next day the nature seemed more friendly so we had a visit in Peter's opened truck to the Belis Lake. My hand got frozen on the iron bars of the car but it was damn fun! We tasted some almost frozen berries from the wood and then hardly, Sunday in the afternoon we got our things and headed again for Cluj.

God how I love nature!
PS: For more picture enjoy my photoblog.

Actually it's part of Apuseni Mountains, an area populated to the top of the mountain and hills, but where everyday all you can hear is the ring bell from the cows neck - practically an old version of a gps in order to know where the animals are...were they eaten by the bears or not? ;)
In these places people base only on raising cattle and on wood. In the winter they are blocked in the mountains and 3-4 months have to stay by the fire and "make children" as one of the villagers said. The actual distance from a house to another is about 3-4 km, imagine that one is on my hill and yous is on the other hill. Quite funny and comfortable for a tourist, but for local folks I can't imagine what can happen if they need an egg to make a pancake...Holly Christ...they need to have some imagination.

We were invited by a friend who owns a chalet in that parts and who was celebrating her birthday. And as Peter's birthday is coming they agreed to celebrate together.
These friends have about 45 years old having big kids...but damn they know how to have fun. We were talking with Peter and made a conclusion: the BIG guys know how to party, maybe it's because they do not do this too often, maybe because they have more experience with these things...or maybe they simply know how to do it! Anyway they're really cool.
We had walks in the forest, picking-up mushrooms (they say they were good ones...I can't make the difference so that's why I do not eat them:) and Saturday evening we made a big fire (well Peter is the fire-boy) and cooked some sausages, mici, slanina (it's not like the tiny, not tasty, English bacon) and chicken. We had potato salad and garlic salad (mujdei for those who know what I'm talking about).

Overall it was a delicious, tasty, unforgetable, fat, not healthy feast like we the Romanians are used to do in open air and then feel sick the next day. But it was worth it. We has champagne, wine, beer and local tzuica so everybody was happy. The next day the nature seemed more friendly so we had a visit in Peter's opened truck to the Belis Lake. My hand got frozen on the iron bars of the car but it was damn fun! We tasted some almost frozen berries from the wood and then hardly, Sunday in the afternoon we got our things and headed again for Cluj.

God how I love nature!
PS: For more picture enjoy my photoblog.
miercuri, 24 septembrie 2008
It's always a pleasure for us to visit our dear friends Anca and Stefan and from one year on our godson David. They live in Suceava in Bucovina, north-east of Romania. Great place, great peoples, great food. We planned a visit as David, the little one, celebrated his first birthday, and it's a real tradition that the godparents take part in this celebration and put the little one to choose from different objects: pen, book, money, medicine, etc. in order to see what is he going to become when grown-up! Interesting and funny at the same time. For David the book, the money and the mouse seemed to be the most interesting and then the medicine. I'm proud of him...hopefully he''ll make money out of books :).
Even the weather was the coldest almost snowed, we had great time. David it's growing up fast and becoming more and more curious. He's already walking on his own feet!
He's crazy about Peter as you'll see from the photos and not so crazy about me...I'm not fun for him:(.
That weekend we visited Humorului Monastery and it's tower and some nice B&B's from the region. Actually tourism it's the main occupation on these parts as a Monastery is every street corner and history and Stephen the Great is everywhere. You can see for yourselves how time seems to have stopped!

No inspiration for me tonight....I'm not very good with words tonight;) so let the pics speak:

Even the weather was the coldest almost snowed, we had great time. David it's growing up fast and becoming more and more curious. He's already walking on his own feet!
He's crazy about Peter as you'll see from the photos and not so crazy about me...I'm not fun for him:(.
That weekend we visited Humorului Monastery and it's tower and some nice B&B's from the region. Actually tourism it's the main occupation on these parts as a Monastery is every street corner and history and Stephen the Great is everywhere. You can see for yourselves how time seems to have stopped!

No inspiration for me tonight....I'm not very good with words tonight;) so let the pics speak:

Was the last summer day...although in September, when we had 30 degrees Celsius and after which a drop to 6-8 degrees followed. Anyway I think we have to get used to having two seasons per year instead of four seasons. So the last day of summer 2008 we spent it in nature, having a "relaxation" and realizing that we're getting tired too soon after climbing a hill. Anyway Cheile Turzii a natural splendor near Cluj-Napoca welcomed us with it well-known fresh air, green trees and wild cliffs.
And when you think that we used to "conquer" the 2000 cliffs of Retezat one day and now we can barely get our feet up to the cross of Cheile Turzii. You can enjoy the full trip on my photo album. There you can see our trip car - a Dacia 4x4 and in the first picture the desperate try of our authorities to have a highway in Transylvania.

Anyway it was quite a hot day on the mountain!
And when you think that we used to "conquer" the 2000 cliffs of Retezat one day and now we can barely get our feet up to the cross of Cheile Turzii. You can enjoy the full trip on my photo album. There you can see our trip car - a Dacia 4x4 and in the first picture the desperate try of our authorities to have a highway in Transylvania.

Anyway it was quite a hot day on the mountain!
luni, 1 septembrie 2008
A well deserved holiday
After ages of working at the office and then at home we took a Friday off and set to conquer Hajduszoboszlo, a nice Hungarian resort very close to the border with Romania. The resort is something more like a seaside as it has water pools for all kinds of taste, gender, age or preferences. It has also hot water pools with healing effect too. It proved to be very inspired as outside were no more than 20 degrees Celsius on Sunday.
We enjoyed the wave water pool (artificial waves of course - but very challenging. we had some days of relaxation as we had never had for months. It was not our first time there....we've been there 2 years ago and enjoyed even more. Here are some pics (we didn't take too many) where you can see the adventurers we took with us ;)

No need for introduction for this fellow:)

Here is from right to left: Mom, Mother-in-law and Father-in-law:

Peter and his sister, Erika:

The lake for boat navigation, full of big fishes, ready to be eaten :)

Here is our "black rat"...very confortable indeed:

And here is my father too...very hard to settle him down:

No need to say how much we all enjoyed everything...these guys can be very funny and party people!
Oh man! How I liked bathing and thinking only about what should I eat next? Chocolate or Apples?
We enjoyed the wave water pool (artificial waves of course - but very challenging. we had some days of relaxation as we had never had for months. It was not our first time there....we've been there 2 years ago and enjoyed even more. Here are some pics (we didn't take too many) where you can see the adventurers we took with us ;)

No need for introduction for this fellow:)

Here is from right to left: Mom, Mother-in-law and Father-in-law:

Peter and his sister, Erika:

The lake for boat navigation, full of big fishes, ready to be eaten :)

Here is our "black rat"...very confortable indeed:

And here is my father too...very hard to settle him down:

No need to say how much we all enjoyed everything...these guys can be very funny and party people!
Oh man! How I liked bathing and thinking only about what should I eat next? Chocolate or Apples?

miercuri, 20 august 2008
Construction site ... reloaded
We are almost finished with the reconstruction of our apartment....there is only some parquet to be done on one room and ready. At this time some workers are doing the job so soon to celebrate. Today arrived our new sofa...we have finished sticking the wall paper (it is on fashion)and when all ready and clean I promise to post some EXCLUSIVE pics (sic!) with it. God help us!
As I have promised...
...I don't know how many posts ago, here are some pics with Hera, our dog. It's funny we got the dog as a present from a friend and because we live in an apartment with two rooms, at second floor we passed Hera to my parents'-in-law. Hihihihi...imagine my father-in-law is an animal lover and now the dog it's his best friend...and I mean it...Hera it's coming at bbqs and in trips with us. But she's simply lovely.
It's a beautiful combination between two species: rothweiller and wolf and a very smart dog as her mother it's trained for the Army. But enough with words:

We took the pictures in the courtyard of my parents-in-law and in the city park (Cluj-Napoca). Here are some pictures taken in the park as well:
For those who didn't pass through Cluj ever here is The Old building of Filarmonica:

Here the Fountain of the deities, unfortunately it is subject to vandalism and destruction:

And last, the Casino, restaurant and terrace and it's lake on which you can go by boat:

It was only a short walk in the park:)
It's a beautiful combination between two species: rothweiller and wolf and a very smart dog as her mother it's trained for the Army. But enough with words:

We took the pictures in the courtyard of my parents-in-law and in the city park (Cluj-Napoca). Here are some pictures taken in the park as well:
For those who didn't pass through Cluj ever here is The Old building of Filarmonica:

Here the Fountain of the deities, unfortunately it is subject to vandalism and destruction:

And last, the Casino, restaurant and terrace and it's lake on which you can go by boat:

It was only a short walk in the park:)
marți, 5 august 2008
Yep! I have to be excused by all my readers cause these past weeks I've been quite absent from the blog...and most probably the days to come will be the same. My daily programme starts from 8:00 am at work - quite busy until 5:00 pm. Then Peter takes me from the office and we go shopping things for the house or directly to the apartment and work-work and again work. We're a bit tired and can't wait to finish the rennovation process. And the finish line it's coming rapidly...thanks God!
So until then enjoy the summer!
So until then enjoy the summer!
vineri, 11 iulie 2008
Nothing much...
This week every day was almost the same, after work we went home and watch for the workers to get the job done in our apartment. Incredible how many little things can make the difference between finishing this week or a week later. Now we had to move to my parents'-in-law house as we practically have no bathroom at home: no toilette, no bathtub, no water running, it's only dirt and dust. Phew! I can hardly wait the cleaning day.
So me and my mother-in-law we're having fun together in the same kitchen. Luckily she'a a nice person and I'm an open-minded girl ;)
So no more privacy...let's hope only for one week...the most!
Have a nice weekend! we're planning only our Sunday as Saturday is working day!
PS: Have I told you we bought a boat ( a rubber one of course)??? Heheh looks nice and it's pretty big too so feel free to join us in an extreme water expedition.
So me and my mother-in-law we're having fun together in the same kitchen. Luckily she'a a nice person and I'm an open-minded girl ;)
So no more privacy...let's hope only for one week...the most!
Have a nice weekend! we're planning only our Sunday as Saturday is working day!
PS: Have I told you we bought a boat ( a rubber one of course)??? Heheh looks nice and it's pretty big too so feel free to join us in an extreme water expedition.
vineri, 4 iulie 2008
Re-discovering Cluj
Yesterday evening after we "got rid of" the folks working to set up our interior doors, Peter had the idea to do something. We usually get some sweets, some fruits, water and we take his 4x4 Dacia (he got it from work for transporting materials) and we head for nowhere. Yesterday at 20:30 he wanted some "extreme adventure" so we went straight to the Faget forest (very close to Cluj-Napoca). Now whenever he saw a road through the forest filled with mud he would try it. We drove into the woods only us and the birds...and the road got thiner and thiner, we navigated among the trees so close that we barely got onto the other side...chilling at some point as it was getting darker and we were alone in the forest. If we got stuck there we would have to leave the carthere and head for home on foot. The main road is not so far there and now there are plenty of houses built all around, but it would be hard for Peter to explain his boss why the car is stucked in the mud in Faget.
Well, those who know Peter when he's driving need no explanation for what happened next. We got safely at the main road but we've tested another 3-4 similar roads. One just ended up suddenly and we found ourselves alone with plenty of oak trees. Peter was starting to really enjoy at this point....
Anyway hard to describe in words the real feelings...especially in English! ;)
Then we headed for Ciurila (very close by the future highway on the area) anf found a top of a solitary hill and stopped by to eat some sunflower seeds (I guess this is how their translation into English:) in the open-carrier of the car. There were plenty of ATV lovers on the area but the real show was made by....the one and only Peter. Later on he told me that at some point on a very abrupt hill he thought we will roll-over with the car....Imagine my face at that point!
We saw an incredibile sunset up there....I never thought it could be so spectacular and so close to the city (unfortunately no pictures taken).
Then Peter started to drive on the opposite side of the city and I said here we go's not over and it was 10:00 pm. We went to check on the highway construction site...still not finished...only lots of trucks, mud, dust and very bad roads...I mean the road actually dissaperead on the's only a countryside road now. We thought of drinking a hot cup of tea at our friend's new location for the summer, Vlaha. Well we had a cup of wine instead with some very funny friends. Incredible how much energy they had at that time of the day. At 11:30 we headed for home...I gues at 12:30 we got into bed....
Today I'm like the batteries that compete with Duracell rabbit in the well-known comercial.
Have a calm peaceful weekend!
Well, those who know Peter when he's driving need no explanation for what happened next. We got safely at the main road but we've tested another 3-4 similar roads. One just ended up suddenly and we found ourselves alone with plenty of oak trees. Peter was starting to really enjoy at this point....
Anyway hard to describe in words the real feelings...especially in English! ;)
Then we headed for Ciurila (very close by the future highway on the area) anf found a top of a solitary hill and stopped by to eat some sunflower seeds (I guess this is how their translation into English:) in the open-carrier of the car. There were plenty of ATV lovers on the area but the real show was made by....the one and only Peter. Later on he told me that at some point on a very abrupt hill he thought we will roll-over with the car....Imagine my face at that point!
We saw an incredibile sunset up there....I never thought it could be so spectacular and so close to the city (unfortunately no pictures taken).
Then Peter started to drive on the opposite side of the city and I said here we go's not over and it was 10:00 pm. We went to check on the highway construction site...still not finished...only lots of trucks, mud, dust and very bad roads...I mean the road actually dissaperead on the's only a countryside road now. We thought of drinking a hot cup of tea at our friend's new location for the summer, Vlaha. Well we had a cup of wine instead with some very funny friends. Incredible how much energy they had at that time of the day. At 11:30 we headed for home...I gues at 12:30 we got into bed....
Today I'm like the batteries that compete with Duracell rabbit in the well-known comercial.
Have a calm peaceful weekend!
miercuri, 2 iulie 2008
Everybody goes on holidays: Croatia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, Tenerife, etc. Hm! I'm quite jelous as we had our summer holiday already in April so until September no holiday for us. Though we have weekends plans:
A must:
1. Go to Suceava to visit Anca, Stefan and David (our godson). I heard is growing up fastly so if I want to recognize him I should pay a visit quickly.
2. Go to Hajduszoboszlo - a nice resort in Hungary (very close to Romania) - with a great aquapark with some friends whcih invited us.
A probability:
3. Go to the seaside, in Medgidia, as Didi - my friend will be working as a judge in the town and we'll have free accomodation near the sea.
4. Go to Balea Lake and drive through Transfagarasan.
5. Buy a boat (rubber boat) and navigate Tarnita, maybe Cris and others.
6. Go fishing with some friends that invited us thousands times. Actually fishing seems boring to me, but Peter seems to enjoy the idea.
As you can see I'm thinking only about pleasure and holidays, no word about work or smth.
But all these have to wait until we finish with our apartment renovation. Long way to go! :(
Have a nice day at work...if you can!;)
A must:
1. Go to Suceava to visit Anca, Stefan and David (our godson). I heard is growing up fastly so if I want to recognize him I should pay a visit quickly.
2. Go to Hajduszoboszlo - a nice resort in Hungary (very close to Romania) - with a great aquapark with some friends whcih invited us.
A probability:
3. Go to the seaside, in Medgidia, as Didi - my friend will be working as a judge in the town and we'll have free accomodation near the sea.
4. Go to Balea Lake and drive through Transfagarasan.
5. Buy a boat (rubber boat) and navigate Tarnita, maybe Cris and others.
6. Go fishing with some friends that invited us thousands times. Actually fishing seems boring to me, but Peter seems to enjoy the idea.
As you can see I'm thinking only about pleasure and holidays, no word about work or smth.
But all these have to wait until we finish with our apartment renovation. Long way to go! :(
Have a nice day at work...if you can!;)
luni, 30 iunie 2008
1 Year
Yeap! 1 years since I'm Mrs. Balla. Hehheheh. Time flew...I can't believe that one year ago at this time of the day I was stressed out having my hair fixed and my make-up done....and back at home everybody was waiting desperatly for the bride to show up...
Phew! Beautiful, stressing (just before), elegant, colourful, exhausting (in the morning), delicious, a big YES and now moments to dearly remember. Anyway we had a great time! Here we are back then:

And here we are today (forbiiden under 18:)

Too bad you are not here to celebrate: Bro, Chris, Ioana, George, Anca, Stefan, Andre, Costel, Didi, Fish! These are the moments when I miss you the most and feel sorry you're all spread all round the globe!You should come back home to Cluj!
Phew! Beautiful, stressing (just before), elegant, colourful, exhausting (in the morning), delicious, a big YES and now moments to dearly remember. Anyway we had a great time! Here we are back then:

And here we are today (forbiiden under 18:)

Too bad you are not here to celebrate: Bro, Chris, Ioana, George, Anca, Stefan, Andre, Costel, Didi, Fish! These are the moments when I miss you the most and feel sorry you're all spread all round the globe!You should come back home to Cluj!
vineri, 27 iunie 2008
Construction site
This is going to be like our apartment again. We want to make some modifications and modernization to the bathroom and we want to change the interior doors with new ones more beautiful and more least this is what we have in our minds. Well as you all know when you're on a construction site problems don't stop to show up. For now we have only one the doors do not fit completely so we have to make a big mess and demolish parts of the walls. God how I wish all these things be more simple.
The truth is that I am very pretentious, I like everythig be in harmony, colourful but not showy, bla-bla. The truth is I'm a pain in the ass when it comes to some changes....
1. because i read and I'm interested in interior design;
2. because i have to see all the offers to make the best choice, from every respect.
I can't wait for the moment evething will be ready, set up and we can re-engage in our daily programme (not that it is a very special one).
Have a nice weekend!
The truth is that I am very pretentious, I like everythig be in harmony, colourful but not showy, bla-bla. The truth is I'm a pain in the ass when it comes to some changes....
1. because i read and I'm interested in interior design;
2. because i have to see all the offers to make the best choice, from every respect.
I can't wait for the moment evething will be ready, set up and we can re-engage in our daily programme (not that it is a very special one).
Have a nice weekend!
marți, 24 iunie 2008
Second master degree
YEs today i have presented my final paper in order to get my master degree in Management and Business. Is my second one after the one in Private Institutional Law. Well unfortunaltely the courses were not what I was expecting out of it... too general and not as serious I thought it would be...but anyway in the afternoon hopefully we'll have another reason to celebrate...
Anyway if any of my bosses read this post BEWARE cause I'm right behind you! Hehehehe.
PS: My brain is boiling at 35 degrees Celsius and keep rising. Gee how I wish these days Cluj was somewhere on the coast with view to a cold-blue sea. Keep on dreaming....
Anyway if any of my bosses read this post BEWARE cause I'm right behind you! Hehehehe.
PS: My brain is boiling at 35 degrees Celsius and keep rising. Gee how I wish these days Cluj was somewhere on the coast with view to a cold-blue sea. Keep on dreaming....
joi, 12 iunie 2008
A must see in Italy - Amalfitana Coast
In our way to the south of Italy we drove along the Amalfitana Coast. Everybody told us is something to be seen in Italy and as it was anyway in our way to our final destination: FAR SOUTH we said we should give it a try.
Personally I have never thought man can build such amazing roads, but if someone j\knows how to do it than Italians sure do. The coast streches for 50 km along the sea and it is build at 100-150 m above the sea level and technically above the sea. It is practically suspended hanging over the blue waters and some huge villas of some rich Italian kamikaze (I would say). The Italians do enjoy to climb and build houses nowhere, but necessarily close to the sky.

It is simply splendid, only sea, blue skies and narrow sinuous road. The small towns along the road are crowded but very cozy and similar to those in Croatia and Greece as far as I 've seen in the pictures.

Here and there there are merchants near the road selling souvenirs and oranges and lemons directly from the trees. Anyway they really have a special taste...not like the ones in Romania.

Here is where I've seen the biggest lemons ever...a melon size. You eat one in a week or so I guess. The funny thing is that all the fruits are very expensive even if they don't pay any transportation fees. But they worth all the pennies.

The road trip was longer than we expected because of the road's narrowness and the fact that one should stop and let the bus pass or otherwise jam the traffic. Horrible to be a bus driver on those roads.
Here is a piece of the famous coast

These places are a really impressive piece of engineering and a gift of nature for the lazy Southern Italians...heheheh...not all of them...only the ones we met.:) But otherwise very nice people. To be political correct the are relaxes or working challenged people. Luckily they have tourism in the South.
Our Amalfitana Coast trip ended in the city of Salerno...a sort of Cluj-Napoca but with seaside. From here to Vibo MArina, the small town which will be our host in the South for one week we drove only on the highway. Spectacular! We drove through the mountains, near the sea and crossed thousands of tunnels. Italian are obssessed to prove how good they are in climbing the highway as high as possible.

The landscape is breathtaking as 2000 m high mountains rise directly from the sea. Just like Vezuvio and others.
Personally I have never thought man can build such amazing roads, but if someone j\knows how to do it than Italians sure do. The coast streches for 50 km along the sea and it is build at 100-150 m above the sea level and technically above the sea. It is practically suspended hanging over the blue waters and some huge villas of some rich Italian kamikaze (I would say). The Italians do enjoy to climb and build houses nowhere, but necessarily close to the sky.

It is simply splendid, only sea, blue skies and narrow sinuous road. The small towns along the road are crowded but very cozy and similar to those in Croatia and Greece as far as I 've seen in the pictures.

Here and there there are merchants near the road selling souvenirs and oranges and lemons directly from the trees. Anyway they really have a special taste...not like the ones in Romania.

Here is where I've seen the biggest lemons ever...a melon size. You eat one in a week or so I guess. The funny thing is that all the fruits are very expensive even if they don't pay any transportation fees. But they worth all the pennies.

The road trip was longer than we expected because of the road's narrowness and the fact that one should stop and let the bus pass or otherwise jam the traffic. Horrible to be a bus driver on those roads.
Here is a piece of the famous coast

These places are a really impressive piece of engineering and a gift of nature for the lazy Southern Italians...heheheh...not all of them...only the ones we met.:) But otherwise very nice people. To be political correct the are relaxes or working challenged people. Luckily they have tourism in the South.
Our Amalfitana Coast trip ended in the city of Salerno...a sort of Cluj-Napoca but with seaside. From here to Vibo MArina, the small town which will be our host in the South for one week we drove only on the highway. Spectacular! We drove through the mountains, near the sea and crossed thousands of tunnels. Italian are obssessed to prove how good they are in climbing the highway as high as possible.

The landscape is breathtaking as 2000 m high mountains rise directly from the sea. Just like Vezuvio and others.
luni, 2 iunie 2008
Naples - city of contrast
Well, after 4 nights spent in Rome it was time for us to leave for South. Everything we heard about Southern Italy was that it is the Italian Mob's nest, the weather is hot, the people are poor and the only way they make money is from agriculture. Partly all of these proved to be true but the South has it's own parfume and rythm of life...and that is slowly and pleasantly. We drove about 250 km to Naples from Rome, but our destination was Maria del Cantone a small village near the sea in the Sorrento Penninsula about 70-80 km from Naples (not 50 as they were saying in the travelling guide). And the road between the big city and our accomodation was straight up the hill and then down to the sea...narrow, only curves to the right and then to the left but with spectacular views.
We reeached Villagio Nettuno where we booked our two night sleep at 9:00 pm a little tired and stresed by the road and the fact that we had already been wandering around on the streets without finding any clear road signs to our destination. Now that is Italians' major problem: They have plenty of roads: one near the sea, one 10 m above the sea level and one 20 m above sea level and a highway - all with the same destination, but they have very bad road signs, so if you travel by car get a local map, take an extratime and be'll sure get lost! The nice thing is though the Italians are very friendly and they explain to you where to go to and what is the easy way to get there. Phew! We were a bit tense that night.
Anyway everything got better in the morning when we woke up with this view.

We rented a chalet with two bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen. It had a terrace too. Simply but incredible nice. Because it was not yet in the top season, there was peace and serenity everywhere!

The first day we planned to be lazy so we spent it on the beach sunbathing and doing nothing. Unfortunately the water was a bit too cold for swim, but as we were fascinated by the sea (which is actually very very ink-blue and clear - now I really understand the Italian "azzuro") we did it. Our swimming session was short though.

The relaxation continued with a special Italian pizza at the local restaurant. Well yes! it was on me as I was celebrating my birthday the day before. The pissa it's really good...they put all sorts of special mediteranean ingredients, unknown vegetables :) but very tasty. Anyway they say that Napoli is the birthplace of pizza. The services in the restaurants are very nice! The Italian know how to serve you and surely they know how to eat! (taking into consideration the time they spend eating and the courses they have - about 4 or 5 at noon).
Next day we were back on the road, amazed by the lemon and orange trees near the road full of fresh yellow and orange fruits. We looked but didn't touch! The trees were very well protected against greedy tourist like us! We headed for Naples. Vesuvio - the vulcano rises straight from the sea and protects the big city of Naples. In our way to Napoli, as they call it, we visited the riuns of Pompei, an old Roman flourishing city completely burried by the Vezuvio's lava in year 79 AD. Today is like a city with temples, sanctuaries, amphitheatre, roads, market places, big houses - well a interesting journey back in Roman history which wil ltake you about 6-7 hours. We resisted for 5 hours - and we walked like crazy.

It's a nice piece of history still in reconstruction and worth visiting.

Then, we drove to Napoli (I like the Italian name better than Naples:) and got a quick "image" of the city. It's really a city of contrasts. You walk down the wide crowded streets where you can see all the posh expensive magazines like Armani, Zara, Dolce&Gabbana and if you look to the right or to the left you see these narrow streets filled with strage unfriendly faces, with clothes hanging over your head.

Then you see great piece of art, like The National Museum or churches (great churches here too) and just across the street you see young people begging. They beg for a penny but for their dogs (they have 2,3 or 4 dogs)not for themselves (sic!). This image stroke me! I have never seen it! 20-25years old young people, living on the streets, probably taking drugs and drinking. And they were every 10 m. SHOCKING!
I have no comment about the bags (real mountains) of dirt on the streets. Every 50m!

They say nowadays Napoli is the home of the Black Camora (Black Mob) which is much stronger than the Sicilian one. Well don't know...couldn't recognize no Al Capone on the streets...heheheh.
In conclusion, we were not very much impressed by Napoli, maybe because we didn't have the time to visit its lovely parts and were exausted after visiting Pompei. Here our Napoli guide finding...hardly the right way back to our car.

We've heard that the National Museum it's worth visiting...we couldn't make it! But the Pennisula Sorrentina and the Italian coast it's simply superb! I'll tell you more about famous Amalfitana Coast in the next episode.
PS: I know the pictures are little (I've written this post from the! and coppied the pics from my album) but you can see them enlarged on my picasa web album.
We reeached Villagio Nettuno where we booked our two night sleep at 9:00 pm a little tired and stresed by the road and the fact that we had already been wandering around on the streets without finding any clear road signs to our destination. Now that is Italians' major problem: They have plenty of roads: one near the sea, one 10 m above the sea level and one 20 m above sea level and a highway - all with the same destination, but they have very bad road signs, so if you travel by car get a local map, take an extratime and be'll sure get lost! The nice thing is though the Italians are very friendly and they explain to you where to go to and what is the easy way to get there. Phew! We were a bit tense that night.
Anyway everything got better in the morning when we woke up with this view.

We rented a chalet with two bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen. It had a terrace too. Simply but incredible nice. Because it was not yet in the top season, there was peace and serenity everywhere!

The first day we planned to be lazy so we spent it on the beach sunbathing and doing nothing. Unfortunately the water was a bit too cold for swim, but as we were fascinated by the sea (which is actually very very ink-blue and clear - now I really understand the Italian "azzuro") we did it. Our swimming session was short though.

The relaxation continued with a special Italian pizza at the local restaurant. Well yes! it was on me as I was celebrating my birthday the day before. The pissa it's really good...they put all sorts of special mediteranean ingredients, unknown vegetables :) but very tasty. Anyway they say that Napoli is the birthplace of pizza. The services in the restaurants are very nice! The Italian know how to serve you and surely they know how to eat! (taking into consideration the time they spend eating and the courses they have - about 4 or 5 at noon).
Next day we were back on the road, amazed by the lemon and orange trees near the road full of fresh yellow and orange fruits. We looked but didn't touch! The trees were very well protected against greedy tourist like us! We headed for Naples. Vesuvio - the vulcano rises straight from the sea and protects the big city of Naples. In our way to Napoli, as they call it, we visited the riuns of Pompei, an old Roman flourishing city completely burried by the Vezuvio's lava in year 79 AD. Today is like a city with temples, sanctuaries, amphitheatre, roads, market places, big houses - well a interesting journey back in Roman history which wil ltake you about 6-7 hours. We resisted for 5 hours - and we walked like crazy.

It's a nice piece of history still in reconstruction and worth visiting.

Then, we drove to Napoli (I like the Italian name better than Naples:) and got a quick "image" of the city. It's really a city of contrasts. You walk down the wide crowded streets where you can see all the posh expensive magazines like Armani, Zara, Dolce&Gabbana and if you look to the right or to the left you see these narrow streets filled with strage unfriendly faces, with clothes hanging over your head.

Then you see great piece of art, like The National Museum or churches (great churches here too) and just across the street you see young people begging. They beg for a penny but for their dogs (they have 2,3 or 4 dogs)not for themselves (sic!). This image stroke me! I have never seen it! 20-25years old young people, living on the streets, probably taking drugs and drinking. And they were every 10 m. SHOCKING!
I have no comment about the bags (real mountains) of dirt on the streets. Every 50m!

They say nowadays Napoli is the home of the Black Camora (Black Mob) which is much stronger than the Sicilian one. Well don't know...couldn't recognize no Al Capone on the streets...heheheh.
In conclusion, we were not very much impressed by Napoli, maybe because we didn't have the time to visit its lovely parts and were exausted after visiting Pompei. Here our Napoli guide finding...hardly the right way back to our car.

We've heard that the National Museum it's worth visiting...we couldn't make it! But the Pennisula Sorrentina and the Italian coast it's simply superb! I'll tell you more about famous Amalfitana Coast in the next episode.
PS: I know the pictures are little (I've written this post from the! and coppied the pics from my album) but you can see them enlarged on my picasa web album.
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